Together we give hope.

Together we make change.


End of Year Giving Guide

What a joy it is to partner together, serve with our gifts, and give of our resources through the local church! Many of you have given sacrificially towards the ONE OFFERING initiative and your generosity has already made such an impact! Click the button below to get a glimpse of what your generosity is going to accomplish through this year's end of year giving initiative, the ONE Offering!

If you are planning to make a 2023 year end gift to Lifepoint Church, you can do so online through December 31, 2023, 11:59PM! If you would like to make a check donation, you can do so by mailing it to our offices at 3534 S College Rd Suite A, Wilmington, NC 28412 with a postmark of 12/31 at the latest.

We will collect this offering together at all campuses on December 17th.

Stock and non-cash giving.

Lifepoint Church accepts stock and other noncash gifts! Donating stock and other noncash gifts can be a great way to maximize your tax savings.

Lifepoint Church partners with OVERFLOW for Stock gifts. Overflow is a digital solution for donating non-cash assets, enabling givers to donate in the most tax-efficient way. You can experience the ease of giving via stock in less than 5 minutes from a desktop, tablet or mobile device.

Make your donation go further with a corporate match!

One option for your year end giving is to utilize their employer’s corporate giving program. This is a great way to leverage your donation to Lifepoint Church and provide even more. Many corporate giving programs will match a percentage of your donation to Lifepoint Church or will provide a financial donation to Lifepoint Church for the hours you volunteer at the church. In some cases donations to Lifepoint Church are doubled by being matched dollar for dollar. Please contact your employer’s human resource department for more information!


“Your generosity will surprise him with goodness, and God will look after you.”

Our God-sized goal this year is $500,000

We are believing God for something big this year, and it’s achievable if each and every family joins in.

Where does this money go?


Each year your generosity through the Christmas Offering makes a significant impact locally, regionally, and globally. 


Lifepoint Campuses are a major place where ministry happens. Within the "HERE" we will be working to expand and upfit our campuses and the ministry we can do within our walls.


We are taking the gospel to other countries with "Far". Through ministry parters, we are able to play a part and make an impact globally.

Maximize your Impact with a Stock Donation.

If your stock portfolio has done well this year, you can now easily donate stock online to Lifepoint Church.

We've partnered with Overflow to make donating stock a quick, easy, secure, and something you can even do from your phone. Plus, there could be incredible tax benefits to donating stock instead of cash.

How We Can Reach Our Goal

As you pray and discern how God would ask you to give during this time, use this chart as a discipleship tool — let it be something that inspires and challenges you towards greater generosity.




Get informed and pray about what God is calling you to do.


See the impact of your generosity and enjoy the stories of hope and help.